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What actually is NMN?

"NMN, short for Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, serves as a precursor to a crucial molecule known as NAD+. NAD+ plays a pivotal role in cellular energy production, essential for optimal cell function. Scientific studies have indicated its decline with age, affecting overall vitality.

This compound has gained recent attention, notably through the work of David Sinclair, a distinguished Australian Harvard professor and a prominent figure in the field of longevity.

What are the advantages of using NMN?

NMN, a supplement that has gained considerable attention in recent years, offers promising health benefits.

Short for nicotinamide mononucleotide, NMN acts as a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), a critical coenzyme involved in energy production, cellular repair, and gene expression. As we age, NAD levels decline, potentially contributing to age-related conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Research suggests that NMN supplementation can elevate NAD levels, potentially aiding in enhancing cognitive function and slowing the onset of age-related ailments. However, further studies are necessary to validate these potential advantages.

For now, NMN stands as a hopeful supplement for individuals seeking to support their health as they grow older.

Where is our NMN sourced?

Our NMN is manufactured and packaged in China, leveraging robust manufacturing capabilities to produce NMN on a large scale.

It's important to note that the production of all NMN available on the market occurs in China. Occasionally, you may come across labels stating 'Australian-made,' which typically refers to packaging that takes place in Australia, not the production origin. 

Our decision to package in China is centered on efficiency and offering competitive pricing to our customers.

Is NMN natural or synthetic?

All NMN available in the market, including our product, is synthetically manufactured. 

Naturally-derived NMN poses challenges due to its high instability, exorbitant cost, and a short shelf life of under 30 days. Conversely, synthetic NMN allows for better purity control and boasts a minimum shelf life of 12 months.

Is NMN vegan, GMO-free, and free from additives?

Absolutely. Our NMN is vegan, GMO-free, and contains only pure NMN with no additional additives.

What foods naturally contain NMN?

Broccoli, avocados, and almonds are examples of foods that contain NMN, although the amounts present are relatively small.

To put it in perspective, consuming 500mg of pure NMN is comparable to the NMN content found in approximately 25 kilograms of broccoli!

Is your NMN tested for purity and stability?

Absolutely! Our NMN undergoes rigorous testing and holds certificates of analysis confirming its exceptional 99% purity.

Moreover, our product has undergone thorough stability tests, enduring a 30-day assessment even in extreme 40°C temperatures. The results showed no significant degradation in the product's quality.

Are there any potential side effects of taking NMN?

NMN, a type of vitamin B3 present in green vegetables, legumes, and meat, is generally safe for most individuals. However, it's important to be aware of possible side effects.

In rare instances, NMN may lead to headaches, dizziness, or an upset stomach in some people. Additionally, NMN might interact with certain medications, though specific interactions are not yet fully understood. If you're currently taking prescription drugs, it's advisable to consult your doctor before starting NMN supplementation.

When can I expect to see results from NMN?

The onset of effects varies among individuals due to differences in metabolic rates. However, here's a general timeline outlining potential benefits:

Days 1-15: Increased energy levels, enhanced memory, and improved cognition.
Days 15-60: Enhanced weight loss progression and improved sensitivity to insulin.
Days 60-180: Noticeable reduction in biological age.

What sets NMN apart from regular B3?

NMN, a derivative of B3 (NR), is a step further along the pathway to produce NAD+.

In studies using mouse models, NMN has demonstrated more pronounced effects compared to NR, showcasing improvements in vascular health, increased lifespan, and reduced arterial damage, among other benefits.

Recent human trials on NMN have also revealed positive impacts on areas such as insulin sensitivity among pre-diabetic patients.

For a deeper dive into this subject, we invite you to explore our comprehensive blog available on our website.

What is the taste of NMN like?

NMN has a neutral taste profile with a subtle hint of sourness, akin to flavors found in L-carnitine or vitamin C.

Is NMN similar to collagen? Can it contribute to hair/skin/nails health?

Consider NMN as complementary to collagen.

Collagen primarily aids external factors such as skin elasticity, while NMN primarily targets internal benefits such as enhancing metabolism, facilitating DNA repair, promoting heart health, and supporting muscle function as we age.

Can NMN benefit diabetes and heart health?

Recent studies have indicated that NMN contributes to enhancing insulin sensitivity among pre-diabetic individuals aged over 55. Moreover, NMN is recognized for its positive impact on heart health.

When it comes to boosting NAD+, which is more effective: NMN or NR?

While NR is often promoted as an effective NAD+ booster, recent research suggests that NMN is the more potent molecule for enhancing NAD+ levels.

There are three primary reasons why we favor NMN over NR:

NMN exhibits greater stability in the bloodstream.
NMN is positioned one step further along the NAD pathway, making its conversion to NAD+ more efficient than NR.
Notably, leading longevity experts like David Sinclair prefer NMN over NR.

Furthermore, more extensive research and funding are directed toward NMN as an NAD+ booster for treating age-related diseases, underscoring its potential over NR.

What material are the capsules composed of?

Our capsules are crafted from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), derived from wood pulp. They are vegan, transparent, flavorless, and gentle, ensuring a non-irritating experience.

We consciously avoid the use of carrageenan in our capsules.

How to Use? What is the recommended NMN dosage?

For individuals under 60 years old, the suggested daily dosage ranges from 500-750mg.

For those over 60 years old, the recommended daily intake can range between 750-1,000mg.

Sublingual Administration of NMN?

To administer sublingually, gently deposit a scoop of the powder onto the surface of your tongue. Avoid trying to place it directly under the tongue, as this may be challenging!

Next, use your tongue to shift the powder beneath and allow it to rest there for about 4-5 minutes to dissolve. If complete dissolution doesn't occur, you can easily wash down any remaining powder with water after the 5-minute period.

Should I take the capsules together or separately?

For best results, it's recommended to take one 250mg capsule during breakfast and another one during dinner in the evening.

Is it safe to take NMN with my current medication?

In most cases, NMN does not exhibit any known interactions with medications.

However, it's essential to seek advice from your doctor before starting NMN supplementation, as individual circumstances may vary.

Can I incorporate NMN powder into my smoothie?

Certainly! You can mix NMN powder into your smoothie, ensuring that the smoothie is kept cold.

Is it advisable to mix NMN powder with hot drinks or incorporate it into cooked food?

Exposing NMN powder to high temperatures can compromise its efficacy by denaturing it. For this reason, we do not recommend mixing NMN with hot drinks or using it in cooked food.

Is it safe to take NMN while breastfeeding?

Before starting any new supplement regimen while breastfeeding, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider for guidance. As a precautionary measure, we recommend avoiding NMN supplementation during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

When taken within appropriate doses (under 1,000mg daily), NMN is unlikely to cause adverse effects for you or your baby, as it primarily stimulates the production of NAD+, a compound naturally produced by the body. Additionally, studies conducted on mice have shown potential benefits for fetal health with NAD+ supplementation.