PROJECTU PTY LTD is deeply committed to upholding the privacy of information entrusted to us by health-care practitioners, patients, and customers who engage with our websites. Our Privacy Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the collection, utilisation, and distribution of this information.

Types and Usage of Personal Information

Upon visiting our websites, personally identifiable information may be collected and processed by our dedicated team at PROJECTU. Typically, this includes details such as the user's name, business address, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, and professional licensing information, provided knowingly by the user. Additionally, information may be gathered during user interactions with our services or products. Users implicitly consent to the collection, processing, transfer, and use of this information by visiting our websites. Opting not to consent means refraining from visiting or discontinuing visits to our websites.

Personal Information Shared with Third Parties

PROJECTU is committed to not selling, trading, or disclosing personally identifiable information to third parties for marketing purposes without the user's express consent. Exceptions include disclosure to third parties facilitating user transactions or services (e.g., packaging, delivery). Disclosure may also occur in response to legal processes or investigations into unauthorised activities, safeguarding rights or property.

Compliance with the Australian Consumer Privacy Act

In adherence to the Australian Consumer Privacy Act, residents of Australia have the right to request the deletion of their personal data from PROJECTU’s databases. Requests for deletion should be directed to PROJECTU and verification of identity is required for processing.

Security Measures

PROJECTU employs industry-recommended security measures to protect personally identifiable information from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, alteration, or unintentional destruction.

Access and Accuracy

Users can request their individual information from PROJECTU, and any factual inaccuracies found can be rectified upon notification.

Data Retention

PROJECTU retains personally identifiable information only for the necessary duration for which it was collected.

Children’s Privacy

PROJECTU advises that children under 18 refrain from providing personally identifiable information without parental consent.

Linked Websites

Links to third-party websites on P’ROJECTU’s sites prompt users to review the privacy policies of those sites, as PROJECTU does not control them.

Use of Cookies and Pixel Tags

Temporary cookies may be placed on users' computers to enhance their browsing experience. Cookies are utilised for various purposes, including recognising users and tracking usage patterns. Users can manage cookie preferences in their browser settings. Pixel tracking, involving invisible tags, may also be employed to measure advertising effectiveness.

Contact Information

Users can direct inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy to PROJECTU’s Information Technology Department at

Modifications to Policy

PROJECTU reserves the right to modify the Website Privacy Policy, with updates becoming immediately effective. The date of the latest update is always indicated below the policy.

For additional information, please explore our Frequently Asked Questions, Shipping Policies, Return Policy, and Contact Us pages.

Our Shipping and Customer Service Address